Newton Lodge of Mark Master Masons. No.1003
Bryn Masonic Hall, Ashton in Makerfield, Wigan
Installation Meeting. Monday 18th March 2024. 6PM
Here we go again another Team Visit to look forward to, this time not too far away, short journey 40 minutes, up the on ramp for the M60 slow over the high level but we kept going and soon arrived at the M62, now this isn’t a fairy tale but we kept going all the way joined the M6 then on to junction 25, down on to the A6 and in a flash arrived at the Hall, 35 minutes !!
Once inside settled into a comfy chair to enjoy a cracking cup of coffee, before long the lounge began to fill up with members and visitors alike, all having a friendly chat after giving the genuine handshakes, the bonds of friendship we all share in “The Magic of the Mark”.
The meeting started on time at 6pm and following several items of housekeeping had been dealt with, RW Bro. Keith Alan Beardmore PGM entered the Lodge accompanied by Acting Grand and Provincial Grand Officers.
The PGM was offered the gavel by VW Bro. Ian D Nairn PGJO. PAPGM the Lodge Worshipful Master, Keith said he would be delighted to accept it for a short time which would enable him to introduce the members of the Team to everyone present. Once this was done he handed the gavel back to the WM who then thanked Keith for giving everyone an insight into those who support him on the Team Visits, he even told us about the member who has an invisible Jaguar. (Arthur)
Before continuing Ian thanked all the members of the Lodge for their support and help during the past year which he had enjoyed very much.
The meeting now gathered a pace as, W.Bro. Terry Sharpe was Installed into the chair of Adoniram in fine style by the W.M. Ian, assisted by officers of the Lodge, the Book of Constitutions, the By Laws and the Warrant of the Lodge were presented to the newly Installed WM by Ian. W.Bro. Derek Gaskell gave the Keystone Address, W.Bro. Arthur Robinson PGJD.Prov DC stepped up to give the address to the newly installed Master, the Address to the Wardens was given by W.Bro. Doug Holgate Prov.I.G. and finally the Address to the Overseers was given by W.Bro. Andy Wiltshire PrGJW.  
The PGM now gave his personal congratulations to the new WM along with his Installing Master the Lodge DC and all who had taken part in what was an excellent ceremony, including the Organist who added so much to the atmosphere of the Ceremony he also wished all the members of the Lodge a peaceful and happy year ahead.
Now it was the turn of the WM to present Keith with not one but three cheques, £400 for the West Lancs Mark Charity Fund, £150 donation to the Wigan and Leigh Hospice and £50 to the Hall Fund, Keith thanked him and said it was an amazing amount and would be well received and used wisely for those in need.
It was now time for the PGM to retire accompanied by the Acting Grand and Prove Grand Officers, but before leaving he said that he had really enjoyed what was an excellent Ceremony and a credit to everyone concerned.
On closing everyone returned to the Temple for the usual photo’s to be taken to record the event, before retiring to the dining room, once that is, after collecting some liquid refreshment on the way. Make mine a Laphroaig please, oh well none appeared, I guess I’ll have to stay on the fizzy water.
Once everyone had taken up their allotted seats an excellent meal was served by the very friendly and attentive Hall staff who continually asked if everything was ok and did we need anything further, first class.
The usual Toasts and Responses followed the meal along with some interesting stories, then as always it was all over too soon, handshakes of genuine friendship were given then it was out into the cold night air with good memories to keep us warm inside, and if like me already looking forward to the next meeting to see old friends and those I have yet to meet.            Remember Your Only a Stranger Once. 
Not A Member of the colourful Royal Ark Mariners Degree Yet, just ask your Lodge Secretary or Special Rep
and he will point you in the right direction.   
Provincial Mark Grand Lodge, The Winter Gardens, Blackpool.  Thursday 2nd May.
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher.  PGJD.